Tuesday, April 22, 2008

wirelless discovery tool's

wirelless discovery tool's
Long time not update this blog, try to open the history in my browse software.
yeah in bookmark i find some good link, may i can share this in my blog.
This is about wirelss 802.11b/g discovery tool's, ever here hotspot? yes it's internet service free or open in public place or private place.
in windows xp we find in side bar beside the clock's menu a wifi detector, from that we can know the wifi in our coverage.
i'd like to share a lot link for wifi discovery tool's

Wi-Fi Discovery Tools

The most popular maybe a stumbler, but stumbler only work in windows. that software can't use for wireless site survey or anything else about site coverange test.

1 comment:

Andre Kakkar said...

Great Post. Thanks for sharing such an informative post. It's really helpful to me.

Toronto CAT5E